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Level 2 Engineering Operative Apprenticeship

Kick-start Your Career: Launch into Manufacturing with a Level 2 Apprenticeship at OAS

Becoming an apprentice is the ideal way to learn the skills you need to move towards your dream job and acquire the on-the-job experience and qualifications that employers value. 

If you enjoy learning on-the-job and are looking to kick-start your career in engineering, all while getting paid, then our Level 2 Engineering Operative Apprenticeship is for you.

This programme equips you with the versatile skills and hands-on experience to excel in diverse engineering operational roles. Master transferable skills that open doors to multiple career paths across the dynamic engineering and manufacturing landscape.

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Why Get Future Ready with OAS?

Apprenticeships with OAS give you all the skills you need to progress in your new career. By learning on the job, you will gain invaluable experience within a real working environment, and you will have one-to-one support and guidance from an industry expert who will visit you in your workplace throughout your apprenticeship.

When you complete your apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to advance to a level 3 apprenticeship, expanding your career options even further.

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What will you learn?

This 18 month programme equips you with the versatile skillset and hands-on experience needed to be at the heart of the thriving engineering and manufacturing sector. You'll be a key player in driving business growth while developing in-demand skills that will last a lifetime in this dynamic field.

Master diverse skills that open doors:

  • Hands-on operation and maintenance: From high-tech machinery to essential tools, you'll learn to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Problem-solving and troubleshooting: Identify issues, analyse solutions, and implement fixes confidently.
  • Diagnostic and fault finding: Build and repair machinery, parts, and equipment with precision and skill.
  • Quality control and safety: Ensure everything meets the highest standards, working safely and efficiently.
  • Technical support and communication: Collaborate effectively and provide troubleshooting solutions.

The core knowledge and expertise you gain will be valuable across multiple industries within the engineering and manufacturing sector. This means flexibility and opportunity throughout your career, wherever your interests and expertise take you.

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Applicants must have achieved English and Maths at GCSE grade 2 or Functional Skills Level 1.

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